Picture this: Your customer Jill picks up the Magic Cube Calendar for the first time. Surprised and curious, she turns the cube...

The Magic Cube calendar – Refreshingly different
Picture this: Your customer Jill picks up the Magic Cube Calendar for the first time. Surprised and curious, she turns the cube over in his hands. As she begins unfolding it, she wonders how twelve months could possibly fit on just six sides. But every twist of the wrist reveals new surfaces. And every folding action is accompanied by the soft click of a precision mechanism locking in place.
She is amazed to discover that all twelve months feature prominently. A smile lights up her face with the realization that she has never seen a calendar like this. She can hardly wait to amaze her coworkers with this ingenious gift. Magic Cube is sure to find a place on her desk.
The brain’s reward center is stimulated when people get more than they expect. And the mind associates this positive experience with your brand. Simply handling the cube evokes a certain pleasure taken in the activity itself, as well as pride of ownership. The very human desire for recognition and acceptance compels your customer to show her new toy off to others.
And that is the best thing that can happen to a brand.
The following Magic Concepts objects make excellent calendars:
Magic Cube
Magic Diamond
Magic Triangle
Magic Can
Magic Crystal